Thursday, March 4, 2010


Whew, what's up everybody? Haven't updated in a while. There's been a lot of stuff going on, primarily me being grounded for several different things, so that's not only affected me being online, but me being able to practice in SF4. Oh well, that's how it goes sometimes, I guess.

So as for what's been going on since i last posted...I've gotten quite a collection of fight sticks, which I now am selling off/trading off for things I can sell, since I need the money to keep my phone bill paid, and to have some backup cash when I need it. Plus, I need to be able to put in my percentage of gas money when we go to tournaments and such. :) In case you haven't guessed by now, I had to quit my job working at the corner store. I started working around early december or so, but my boss was overworking, underpaying and was underappreciative of me, so I just decided that it wasn't worth the stress that I was receiving. lol. I've stepped up my Street Fighter game quite a bit though, since I've been playing with several of the top players in my state. Some refer to me as the best Sagat playing in Michigan, but we'll see, I have a few other fellow Sagat players that I would have to beat in a tournament to prove so. Kind of cool to see that some people think that highly of me, though. It's definitely inspiring, and helpful to see that I have some support.

So while we're on that note, Super Street Fighter 4 is coming out next month! April 27th, I believe. I can't wait for that. Going to be taking the day off of school and having some friends come over to celebrate the launch, and to just play as much as we can so we can try to figure out what new tweaks were done, and to try and start learning our new mains, which for me will be Juri, all the way. I'll dabble with Dee Jay and Ibuki a bit, but Juri just seems really interesting to play as, and I really love her character. As for Hakan, the other new comer, not too much info has been released concerning him, but I feel that he's a bit of a cop-out from Capcom's side of things. I mean c'mon, really, guys? You're going to throw in yet ANOTHER grappler to the series? How about another all-new character like Juri? Do something we haven't seen before. Oil wrestling is essentially just another grappler, do something new. We have Zangief, T. Hawk, Abel and El Fuerte. With Hakan added, that's 5 grapplers. C'mon, son.

But enough of that. On a sad note our church that we were going to had to close it's doors. We just didn't have the money to keep it running, and the pastor had been having some problems with the wife and family as a whole, so he stepped down and we closed the doors. We're still looking in the local area for somewhere else to go, but it's so hard nowadays to find a good King James Bible Believing church. And then there's so much more after that, concerning the doctrines and beliefs. So complicated, lol. I'm sure God will work it out in the end, though. For sure. :)

So as for right now, that's about it, just wanted to let everybody *or whoever actually reads this blog* know that I'm not dead, and that I'm still very much alive and kicking! I'll keep it updated with more random stuff as life goes along, but when Super Street Fighter 4 comes out, I'll be doing a review and probably a couple "My Thoughts" videos, since I have a tendency to ramble on, and there will be quite a bit that I will like to talk about, I'm sure.

Until next time, this is Q signing off. Stay Cool.