Monday, November 30, 2009

Tekken 6 Review

Hey, what's up? Welcome to my first review, and it's of a game that I've played a bit of lately, and that I've been eager for it to come out. So, was it worth the wait, or was it a complete bomb? Let's find out.


So before we get into the actual review, I'd like to talk about a couple things first. First, Tekken 6 was released in Japanese Arcades on November of 2007, so it's about 2 years old. Originally it was only going to be on the Playstation 3, because all the other Tekken games had been Playstation-exclusive. But at the Tokyo Game Show in 2008, it was stated that there would be a release for the Xbox 360, which further delayed the game into 2009. There was also a PSP release for it, as well. The PSP version will have some exclusive content that the home console versions do not. There was also an "update" to the game, which came in the form of Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion, which is the version that is on home consoles. There were some gameplay tweaks, and two new characters added: Lars Alexandersson and Alisa Bosconovitch. So the version that will be reviewed is actually Bloodline Rebellion, although the package doesn't say so.

Now that we have that down, let's continue.

Story: Oh, boy, where do we even begin? Tekken 6's story goes inwards and outwards, up and down, left and right, it's just all over the place. In a good way, though. I'm going to assume that you already know the story of Tekken and you're up-to-date. If you aren't, then you can skip this section since you'll probably be pretty clueless at some parts. Anyway, In Tekken 6, the story picks up after Jin Kazama's victory in the last King Of Iron Fist Tournament. He's taken charge of the Mishima Zaibatsu, which is a financial company that offers the winner of the King of Iron Fist Tournament control of the company, and the ability to host the next King Of Iron Fist Tournament. Since Jin won the tournament, he now has control, but he has tyrannical ambitions and ideas. Using his newly-acquired resources, he becomes a "global superpower", becoming very powerful and wealthy, and openly (and defiantly) declares war on all nations. Kazuya Mishima, in charge of the G Corporation, sees this, and doesn't particularly care for Jin getting in the way of his own plans to take over the world. He then places a bounty on Jin's head for anybody who can kill him. Jin's response? Host another King Of Iron Fist Tournament so he can meet up with Kazuya and kill him himself. Pretty good story, if not a bit predictable. Definitely enjoyable, though.

Gameplay: Now for the REAL reason that you bought and are playing Tekken 6. The Gameplay. Tekken 6 is a 3-d fighter, and easily one of, if not the most recognizable names in the genre. Tekken only uses 4 attack buttons, unlike the usual 6 button layout that most fighting games use. You might think this makes the game easy, but that's where you would be wrong. Each button is assigned to a specific limb: Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Leg and Right Leg. The Tekken series was never known for crazy super combos like Street Fighter, or bloody fatalities like Mortal Kombat. However Tekken is more juggle and combo based, and most definitely skill-based. This isn't a game where you can pick it up at the start and be amazing at it, unless you've played every Tekken game in the past or you're some type of prodigy. Tekken 6 is very much mindgames at it's finest, where just one small flaw or one small opening can easily lose you the match. Contrary to what people say, if you place a high-level player and a button masher against each other, the high-level player will win every time. This game requires hours of dedication and practice, like any fighting game. But learning your character's strengths, weaknesses, and their combos will keep you entertained, and keep your hands full for hours on end. It truly is just that deep. Speaking of characters, Tekken 6 boasts a very impressive roster of 43 playable characters, all unlocked from the get-go. Each and every character is unique, and has their own style. Ranging from big and strong, to slow and fast, there is most certainly a character for any player here.

Tekken 6 also brings a new feature to the table, called the "Rage" system. Once your health is dangerously low, your healthbar starts flashing and glowing red, stating that you've now entered Rage mode. This makes all of your attacks stronger, and allows for some dramatic comebacks. Normally you would think this is broken, but it's been implemented in a nice way. You are stronger, but not to a ridiculous amount. It's definitely very balanced, and is a very nice addition to the series.

"Good use of your chin to block my knee."

Another gameplay element added is the "bound" system, where every character has several moves, that when used against an opponent in an aerial juggle combo, will pound them into the ground and bounce them up a bit, letting you continue the combo for a few more hits. Local play is definitely where Tekken 6 shines, but it does include the traditional online mode. While at launch, the online was absolutely terrible, and by terrible I mean you couldn't find a match without bad visual and input lag. Hit a button, and a second or so later the attack would register, making juggle combos, and just combos in general near impossible. Thankfully a patch has been released, and for the most part this has been fixed, for a great online experience, although your internet connection will be a big factor in how laggy it is.

Tekken 6 home console versions also have an exclusive "Scenario Campaign" mode, with compares with the "Tekken Force" mode in a previous Tekken installment. It's basically a 3rd person beat-em-up, but it's not quite what you think. Sure, it's the basic "Start at point A, beat up the enemies, move on the point B" type of gameplay, but as it always is with Tekken, there's a twist. You can move about freely, and pick up items to customize your character, and money to purchase items as well. But when enemies are on the screen, while you are in 3rd person mode, it switches to Tekken 6 gameplay. That's right. 3rd person view, but it's like playing local VS Tekken. This can be a bit confusing sometimes, and all in all, the Scenario feels really slapped on and rushed. I feel it could have been better, but Namco didn't take their time with it I don't think. Plus it doesn't help that the enemies are all ridiculously stupid, sometimes just standing there and letting you beat them up. It would have been nice to see an actual challenge in this mode. Sadly, all the items for your character are super-expensive, so playing through the repetitive Scenario mode is the best way to make Gold to purchase items, and unlock them.

Scenario Campaign is about as fun as it looks. And it doesn't look that fun.

And yes, I said customization. Tekken 6 features a phenomal character customization, with Hair Styles, Colors, Clothing, Accessories, you name it. Give two players the same character with all the items, and you'll never run across the same creation twice, the options are just that vast. It really is a blast being able to customize your character, and like I said, since the options are just so vast, you'll want to unlock all the items, (even if it requires grinding through the scenario mode) and want to see how everything looks.

Character customization in action. It can range from something sweet like this... just plain weird. Depending on your taste, anyway.

Closing the gameplay section, Tekken 6 is fast-paced, and definitely a lot of fun to play, although it takes some time to pick your character and then learn him/her, but it's a lot of fun all the way. It may seem very intimidating to you if you're a new player, or wanting to get into Tekken, but believe me, once you sit down and play it, and give it an honest shot, you'll be glad you did.

Sound: The sounds in Tekken are pretty good. The blows sound good, the subtle sound effects from moving around and during the attacks are very nice. The soundtrack is fitting for each stage and location. The majority of it is electronica/techno based, I'm guessing, but all in all it's fitting for the stages. Whether it be the calm snow level, or the high-energy Electric Fountain, it all works together nicely.

Graphics: Keeping in mind that Tekken 6 is a 2-year old game, the graphics are beautiful, really. The character models look great, each character flows smoothly and fluidly, and they just look great. From Zafina's creepy bug-influenced fighting style, to watching the graceful Elbow and Knee blows of Bruce, Tekken 6 truly is a treat for the eyes. Until you see it in a nice-sized HDTV, you can't really judge it or give an honest opinion. As the saying goes, seeing literally is believing. The stages look great, from the rustic mountain dojo, to the high-energy Electric "Light Show" Fountain. The ripples look great when you move through the water, it's just all so smooth, and just a true sight to behold. Keeping in mind that this game is 2 years old, the graphics are great.

No amount of still shots can capture the beauty of Tekken 6. It must be seen in motion.

Replay Value: With tons of unlockables, and the amazing depth, there's no reason why you couldn't sink hundreds of hours into this game. If you're a casual player, you do have online to play other people around the world with, and the unlockables, but in all reality, if you're playing Tekken 6, chances are you've either thought about playing in tournaments, or you ARE playing in tournaments, in which case it increases the replay value even more.

Final Thoughts/Closing Comments:

All in all, Tekken 6 is the complete package. It's got something for everyone here. A casual player can pick it up and enjoy it, but if you're not going to spend time with it, then put it back on the shelf, and go play Thomas The Tank Engine. Because only when you start learning a character and the entire game itself does Tekken 6 truly shine as a great fighting game. The visuals are great, the gameplay is smooth, and the entertainment factor is there. But a rushed Scenario Campaign, overpriced items that force you to play the pretty Scenario Campaign are a bit of a downer, and the online should have been great to begin with, not making you wait for a patch. Thankfully the patch actually worked and the online is pretty good now, but the fact that it wasn't great from the get-go is a disappointment. Step it up, Namco, we know you can do better.


-Great Visuals
-Incredibly Deep Gameplay
-Customization has been improved

-Only hardcore Tekken Fans will get their money's worth
-Rushed Scenario Campaign isn't that much fun
-Can be a little intimidating for new players at first

Rating: 9.0


Anonymous said...

How does it feel to write your first review?

The Q said...

Feels good. It's fun, really. I'll definitely be doing more in the future.

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