Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tournament, Future Plans

What's up everybody, I'm back. Trying to stay alive on here but it's not working out too well, Street Fighter 4 and awaiting Super Street Fighter 4 has kept me busy like crazy.

So first up, I went out to a local ranbat/tournament this past weekend for SF4. I entered, did fairly well I think. Came in 5th, which isn't too bad. Highlights were watching my friend Antwan "Alucard" Ortiz use his Fei Long, which he didn't do too bad at all with. He beat me with him, so I guess that means he's pro, lol. In all seriousness, it was cool to see a relatively low-tier character come in and do some damage for a change. The most interesting part was a guy from Seattle was in town visiting on some business I guess, but this dude came in and WRECKED. Seriously, real talk. He used Akuma, and everything he did, and I mean EVERYTHING he did, was flawless. His links, his combos, his zoning, footsies, you name it, it was flawless. He dropped one combo, but even though he dropped it, he still turned it into a reset, and then did a combo after it, which just blew my mind, personally. The guy was a great player, so mad props to him. I was overall happy with my performance, being that I beat the best Dhalsim in the state, Thundercats, 2-0. Normally I never even take a round from him, but maybe all this practice I've been doing is paying off. Although there was some slight input lag being that it was on a projection screen. Who knows, though? I'll stay positive without being arrogant and say my training is paying off. :)

On that note, there was a reason that it was on a projector. Normally it'd be on a LCD Flat Panel TV or Computer Monitor, but we all got out to the tournament location in Lansing, and there was no setups. Literally. Nobody brought a PS3 or Xbox 360 for us to use. I was out at the Chinese restaurant next door getting something to eat since we had an hour and a half drive there and I was starving, but I guess somebody came through and was able to get ahold of a 360, which saved the day. Woot!

Other than that, just been practicing like crazy. Got a couple of tournaments coming up in the next month or so. First up being Michigan Masters 2, which is on April 10th, at the Game Yard in Garden City. The tournament season has come to a close, and this is the big finale. This will also be the last SF4 tournament here in Michigan before SSF4 comes out, so everybody will be putting it on the line, then going into hibernation and hiding until the 27th when SSF4 comes out. I'm hoping to do well enough to make it on the MI team for Power Up 2010 in Ohio near the end of May. I'll have around a month to practice in SSF4 for that, so there will be a lot of time being invested to learning my new character, Juri. But as for Michigan Masters 2, I have to make at least top 8 I believe, to be in the exhibition match at the end of the night between the finalists. Then I have to win 1 or 2 matches there to make it on the team. I'm pretty confident I can do it, since the last few tournaments I've been at I've placed 5th, or top 8, so hopefully I can do it. Gotta stay positive and play my best!

Then after that, April 17th there's a tournament in Ohio that I'm hoping to make it to with my buddy Mike, and possibly a couple other people from here. We wanna go out of state to try our luck and see how the competition is. Ohio is supposed to have some pretty good people, and that would be a good first step for us to test the water for Power Up 2010 and see how the general skill level is down there. But I think if we all keep our cool and stay focused we'll hold our own, for sure.

Anyways, gonna cut it short. Got a SSF4 preview stream coming on, so I wanna watch that. Later!