Saturday, October 24, 2009

My hand hurts...

So I got to hang out with Micaiah today, which was pretty cool. We decided to play Marvel Vs Capcom 2, since I brought my TE fight stick over. At first it was a bit boring, because all Micaiah was doing was complaining that I spam the same move with Sentinel. Which I do, since I don't know any combos with him for the moment, lol. I decided to switch it up and start picking random teams, obviously picking the better characters, but then I started mixing in some terrible characters for kicks and giggles. I ended up using Magneto/Juggernaut/Storm, which isn't too bad of a team, since Magneto and Storm are two "God" tiers in the game, but I don't know how to use 'em too much. That all changed today.

Micaiah went a few rounds, then decided to take a break and let the others play. They were just gluttons for punishment. I figured we'd play a few rounds each, then we'd move on to something else to do. Nope. After winning 55 straight rounds they finally quit, but we weren't without our battle scars. Timmy ended up getting a blister on his left thumb from using the D-Pad so much, and my left hand was just killing me from going crazy on the joystick. Using Magneto gets a bit rough after a while. Needless to say, I now have a basic idea of how Magneto should be played, after all this. Although it's not like I'll be going competitive with it any time soon.

Granted they aren't the best marvel players, but it was still fun, all in all. It's always fun chilling with friends and having fun. :) Anyways, that ought to do it for now, I guess.

Q signing off. Robo-Ky says "Take It Easy." lol.


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that I won a few rounds. :(