Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Got Next/Online Tournament

So I just recently watched a documentary called "I Got Next". It's been out for a month or so now I think, and it's really good. Essentially it's a documentary on the fighting game scene. It primarily focuses on Street Fighter 4, and what it's single-handedly done to bring back Street Fighter competition, other than the two big tournaments in the USA. *Season's Beatings and Evolution* It was created by Ian Cofino, who originally started this as a school project, but the hype and the support from fans, friends and family grew and turned it into much more than just a simple documentary. You can check out the trailer below.

*Be sure to click the black "HD" button once the video starts! Helps increase the quality.*

I also recently competed in a small online tournament for Street Fighter 4. One of my buddies from a forum that I used to be on got ahold of me on PSN, and said he was holding a tournament with a bunch of the members that used to be competitive with SF4 on the forum. Winner got a brand new fightstick. I think the number of entrants were around 15 or so. Everybody in the tournament thought that I had been slacking off and not playing competitively, or just playing in general. They thought I had washed up. They were wrong. I came in and swept the competition. As for the fight stick I won, I was pretty excited after finding out which one I was getting. A Hori Real Arcade Pro 3, or an HRAP3 for short. It's the Special Edition, which means that it's all Sanwa parts instead of the terrible stock Hori parts. Meaning that I don't have to do any modding whatsoever, which is a plus.

Also I received my Tekken 5 Hori Stick in the mail a couple days ago. The circle button doesn't work, probably from a bad connection/bad soldering, from what I can see. I need to go pick up a soldering gun to get this taken care of, otherwise it's just an over-sized paperweight, or I got a nice Blazblue Stick, lol. *Since Blazblue only uses 4 buttons* Either way I really got to fix this, 'cause I also got that Hori EX2 stick coming in that's gonna need to be modded.

Alright, so that just about sums this blog up. This is Q, signing off.