Sunday, October 25, 2009


So I know I just made a post, but I ran across this, and I wanted to post it up and share it since I think it's so awesome. Let's get going.

So first up I was on reading the latest posts, and there was an interview from this girl Tara, who interviewed Justin Wong, Daigo Umehara and Seth Killian. She was from the site/group called "AbleGamers", which is a group for videogamers with a handicap. She asked them if they had played any people with a handicap, and what they thought about them trying to compete. Needless to say they were all for it, and were very supportive. In the interview a couple of the big names mentioned were "The One Handed Terror", and "The Real NOM4D". The One Handed Terror is just what he sounds like. He was born with only a right hand. His left hand didn't fully develop, so he has a bit of a stump for a left hand. Somehow he figured out how to use a fightstick with it, and he's done pretty well competitively. Went out to Evo and got to play with the best players there. He's hung up the towel on the competitive scene, but honestly, I hope he goes back into it. It's such an inspiration to see him play. On a random note, I think I played him on XBL before. His name sounded really familiar. Anyways, here is a video of him introducing himself and giving a bit of his backstory:

Next up is "TheRealNOM4D". He was born paralyzed from the waist down. Sound impossible to play? Think again. He uses his face. Literally. He took an interest in video games, and he just "evolved" with each controller that came out, and figured out how to use it. Here's a video of a news spot he had on TV:

Quick little note. The NOM4D layout in COD4 was actually made specifically with him in mind. Kinda neat, actually. But all in all, I find it really inspiring to see people like these going strong, and being able to compete. It makes me want to push even harder to try and get better. Seeing these guys work with these two handicaps is just amazing, and again, I'm sure it's inspiring for a lot of people out there, myself included.

So that's about it. Nothing else to report, so I'm gonna go crash for the night. It's a new week, with the possibilities of new thrills, frustrating situations and just plain laugh-out-loud moments. This is Q, signing off. As usual, Robo-Ky says "Stay Cool."